Investment Criteria

Companies seek capital for different reasons. It might be for taking the company to the next level, acquiring a competitor, investing in new technology or something completely different. Every case is different.

The process related to securing an investment is however more or less the same. Therefore we are always willing to listen to your story and evaluate whether we can help.

As you may have read, quality is a given at Surveillance Group. Especially, when considering new investments. Therefore, before you contact us with your investment need, kindly make sure that you have all of the below mentioned bits and pieces in place.

What we need from you is this:

• An updated industry analysis showing your industry at a glance including your company,

• A company analysis providing a to-the-point and accurate description of your company, the strategy you pursue as well as the key take aways from your business plan,

• The background for your capital needs, the approximate amount you require and the expected duration of the investment,

• A timeline / milestone plan for the project you would like us to participate in,

• Detailed budgets for the next 12 months as well as a mid-long term projection (3-5 years) of your company’s expected development.